
Yes, the Civil War Was About Slavery

INTRODUCTION Baptists and other white Americans North and South during the Civil War-era were unequivocal: secession, the existence of the Confederate States of America, and the Civil War were all the result of slavery, the immoral (or moral, depending on one’s race, political persuasion and/or geographic location) institution that served as the economic engine of…

Uncle Remus in Uncle Remus, His Songs and His Sayings: The Folk-Lore of the Old Plantation, 1881

Baptists and the American Civil War: October 13, 1862

Joseph Addison Turner (1826-1868), long-time writer and now editor of The Countryman, a newspaper published from Turner’s Putnam County, Georgia plantation–Turnwold–today affirms the Baptist & Banner newspaper’s recent addition of a literary department to the publication. In this same edition of his paper, Turner publishes an unusual story about the late Baptist giant John Leland,…